Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe ganzo translates to cool in Italian! A friendly Italian emailed that my Fahrenheit 451 book design and I were mentioned in an Italian newspaper, Sole24Ore. A big thanks to Francesco for alerting me about this and for willing to send me a copy in the mail! My work was also featured in the Chicago Tribune, but I have no clue when that published... Translation: Fahrenheit 451 never ends to fascinate, mostly because of the thick symbology it has. This cover isn't realized (maybe too much expensive), but it's a project of Elizabeth Perez, made for a design academy. The solution of the match and of the abrasive paper on the flange for rubbing is endearing. On the other hand, it must be remembered that, in the 60s, were made for this book some beautiful fireproof covers, that today are valued on the antiquarian market thousands dollars.
- March 25, 2013
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