My Fahrenheit 451 book design got insanely popular in a short amount of time. Many of you reading this post now were most likely brought to my site because of it, and I thank you for that. As of writing this post, it's reached over 900,000 views. This site has gotten over 25,000 hits this week alone, and I've been bombarded with hundreds of kind emails asking where the book can be purchased (it's not for sale because it's a concept design). Although I haven't had the time to respond to each email I've received, I've read each and every one of them and loved them all. Thank you to everyone who took the time to write to me.
It's been tremendously inspiring to see something that is not a cat video or a silly GIF get popular online. I'm so proud that something I put my sweat and tears into received so much recognition. This experience has been extremely motivating for me, and I hope I can create more work in the future that is as impactful and inspiring to others.
I made this piece during my time at The Austin Creative Department, and great ad/creativity school in Austin, TX.
Here are just a few of the sites that featured the book design:
The Chicago Tribune, The Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Reddit, Gizmodo, Gizmodo Japan, imgur, CrackaJack, Mediabistro, Slow Robot, NOTCOT, Laughing Squid, Jessica J. Johnston, IdeaFixa, Flavorwire, Neatorama, and many, many more sites.
Bonus: Out of hundreds of wonderful message I've gotten about the book design and my other work, I only received one negative email. Which is shocking, considering that the internet is a notoriously mean place. Here's that email for your enjoyment!